Tivoli Congress Center — Konferencesal til møder, konferencer og foredrag

Tivoli Kongrescenter har en konferencesal, der kan rumme 2400 personer. Derfor er det af største vigtighed, at stolene er holdbare, nemme at omarrangere og stable, og at de danner et komplet udtryk, der forbinder stolene med rummet. Chairik 112 konferencestolen opfylder de mange krav til både komfort og tekniske funktionaliteter.

Case: Tivoli Congress Center
Location: København
Produkter: Chairik 112 konferencestole
Arkitekt: Kim Utzon
År: 2010
Fotograf: Henrik Jauert

About the project

Some companies do not always only need conference halls themselves – some are based on offering them to others. Here, the Tivoli Congress Center is a prime example – with countless spaces that can be used for meetings, conferences and lectures, the Tivoli Congress Center always has to offer those who make use of their facilities the best that can be done. After all, it is people’s satisfaction with their premises and their interior that is their livelihood.
Here it is extra important that there is a red thread that is pervasive for all the furniture that is in the conference rooms – or at least in each room.
The Tivoli Congress Center has one conference hall. This one – as can be seen in the picture – is quite large and can hold up to 2400 people. Therefore, it is of the utmost importance that the chairs used here are durable, practical to rearrange and stack as well as have a consistent expression that gives the room a connection both in relation to the chairs and in relation to the room itself.
Engelbrechts was chosen as the supplier of chairs here, as we could offer a large selection of conference chairs of different looks and functionalities. The goal was to find a chair that lived up to the demands, and maybe even surpass them. Here it was the CHAIRIK chair type that was chosen as the best candidate to decorate the Tivoli Congress Center’s large conference hall.

CHARIK met these requirements:

  • The chair type is extremely practical – it is actually designed based on this premise. Its construction is made with a focus on making the chairs easy to set up and adjust if a different set-up is needed.
    In addition, it is also made so that it can be stacked very easily and in very little space. This is important for the Tivoli Congress Center as they need to be able to transform their large hall into a venue or venue for a fine dinner in a very short time.
  • The element of durability is also one of the cornerstones of CHAIRIK. It is made of a durable material made from a combination of thin wooden boards and glue. This creates a durable and durable one that holds for countless conferences where people come and go in large numbers.
  • To form a pervasive theme for the room, the chairs also had to fit in. Here, the diversity of potential colors and materials is the perfect tool. A black color was chosen that plays well with the dark color of the floor and the white of the walls.

In addition, the options possible with the CHAIRIK model were also used. Short armrests were placed on the chair. This made the chair a unique seating furniture for the Tivoli Congress Center’s hall.

In other words, the Tivoli Congress Center has been furnished with a guarantee that will surely satisfy the people and companies that use their premises. These companies are the lifeblood of the Tivoli Congress Center, so their choice of Engelbrecht’s seating furniture is made with careful consideration. They have been given a collection of chairs that both compliment and complete their large conference room, but also at the same time are practical and easy to set up, so it fits exactly to the event that is going to take place in the hall.

Chairik — den ideelle stabelstol til konferencer, mødelokaler og undervisning

CHAIRIK er designet til publikummer, der kommer og går. Stolens stabelevne gør det muligt at opmagasinere 1000 stole på kun 14 m2. Serien fås i flere modeller i et stort udvalg af skaller og polstring.

Designer: Erik Magnussen

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